Thursday, September 10, 2015

The fossil place and more outdoor adventures

the fossil place
A dry summer left the Wallkill River, just down the hill from our house, at a perfect depth for river walking one fine morning. The fossil place is just our entry point to the world of the river: a tiny trail leads to the water's edge and an expansive view up and down stream. We counted 10 white egrets (or herons?) a few great blue herons, many crayfish, and countless minnows as we waded out in the unusually shallow water and jumped from rock to rock. I think Benjamin could have stayed out on the river for hours longer hoarding treasures and setting them out to bake in the sun.  

We didn't find any real fossils this time--I guess that is now only legend.  When Grandy used to take us to the fossil place 20 years ago, we (probably mostly she) would find amazing fossils that we still have on a shelf at the house. For now Ben is just as happy with his golf balls and tiny clam shells.  And Liza is just happy to follow her Ben.  

made it to the other side of the river 
river walking 
Up in the mountains again:
the icy cold water at Split Rock is always a test of courage 
Hiking and wading at Lake Minnewaska 

1 comment:

ssfromss said...

Those are some good memories for Ben & Eliza.