Monday, July 11, 2011

Portrait with Baby and Vegetables

Just a few pictures of little B from this past week.  We grew all three little veggies in the above picture.  

Two pictures below are B's new favorite game:  acrobatics with his father.  It's safer than it looks I'm sure.  And of course a picture from Ellen's visit (lala on another blog).  We were honored with two visits on her Great Southern Tour of 2011.   Of course Benjamin decided to take an epic nap right before her second visit, so this picture is from the 15 minutes that they actually spent together after he woke up.  Why are epic naps always so ILL-TIMED??  It was nice to be able to spend the time with Ellen by myself though.  

Sigh.  I love visitors.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ready to go

I tried to tell him that we're not going for a few weeks yet, but Benjamin is just so excited to see his grandparents, Aunties Sara and Karen, and other friends.  He is so eager he's climbing up onto and into the suitcase.

Actually, I took the suitcase out specifically for him to climb on.  This morning we lowered his crib after I found him standing up in a precarious position when I went in to check on him at 6:30.  Poor Benjamin is quite good at getting up, but doesn't know how to get down.

The suitcase will probably still be out by the time we leave for NY at the end of July.  We are all looking forward to seeing the Wilson side of the family--and getting out of the Texas heat.  I hope you are picking blueberries for us up there!