Monday, October 8, 2012

is there a theme that ties this post together??

At about 3am one night a few weeks ago, Benjamin had been awake for two hours already.  He was lying between us in our room at the family reunion and he had been silent for a couple of minutes.  We were hopeful that he was drifting off...and then he decided he wanted his Auntie Sara.  I didn't understand what he was saying until he added Unc Sean.  We all lay there for hours--JB says three hours but I think it was more--as B lay calmly talking to us about everything he had done that day, about driving through tunnels, and most of all about all of his family and friends in the North.  Just as we would start to doze off again, he would start in with another theme.

Looking dapper and ready to go fishing

As tired as I was, his constant stream of talk was endearing.  Some of his talk is a puzzle that we have to figure out, but it is rewarding to realize he is talking about something we didn't think he would remember or know how to talk about.  I love this stage of exploring language and developing imagination.

On our way home from the family reunion he brought up Amy and feeding the dogs again.  I suggested we could skype with Amy when we got home, but he must have thought I meant we would SEE Amy at home.  When we pulled in the driveway and we weren't at Amy's house he started to cry and cry.  If we hadn't all been so tired, I would have called Amy right away.  But as it was, I don't remember the last time I felt so dragged out.  We all sort of collapsed in a heap from a fun but un-expectedly exhausting weekend.
Fishing with daddy at the family reunion

JB and I have both been pretty busy this fall with work and other commitments, so we were happy to find ourselves with a few free hours to enjoy our one really rainy Saturday of the season.  Seriously, he got the rain coat below when he was 17 months and this is only the third time he has worn it, I think.  

Benjamin seemed to enjoy reading Where the Wild Things are out on the porch, but every time we have asked him if he wants to read it since then, he answers with quite a stern "No!" Oops--I hope it didn't scare him too badly.  

Found some snails...

And here is Benjamin getting a feel for the worms.  I'm just glad he doesn't yet think to put things in his pockets.  I know that day is coming.  


mom said...

Ben is looking a whole lot like 2 year old Bethany, especially in the last picture.
So glad he is remembering his trip north. What fun to hear him express his thoughts! Love it!

Sara Ann said...

awww, i just realized what the "ain't fire-ah" meant at the beginning of this post... it's me! aww little B. hugs & kisses from ain't fire-ah:).

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