Here's our newborn with his little cone head, one year ago today. The memories of that day are so vivid for me that is hard to believe that a year has passed. On the other hand, the memories of difficult times with Benjamin over the last year are also quite vivid, and those memories remind me of how long the year has seemed at times. So today marks one year of being out of the womb for B and the one year anniversary of the experience of giving birth for me. I have spent so much time processing that experience this year that it does seem like a milestone for me as well as for Benjamin. I think I can finally say that I would go through it again. Someday. Don't get excited.
At one year, Benjamin is going through an amazing period of transition to being a toddler. Sometimes he still looks so much like a baby and then sometimes when he looks at me I see a sense of recognition, a knowledge of the world around him that makes him look like a little boy. One minute he is crying to be held, and the next he smiles proudly as he walks holding on to our fingers. He fumbles and throws things around and then he turns blocks in his hands and stacks them with a amazing deftness. In the morning he fusses and acts like he doesn't understand anything, and in the afternoon he says "bye-bye" and "bebe" for baby and "da" for dog and "da-da" for daddy. He constantly surprises me when I try to teach him a sign and he learns it or give him a command like "put the duck in the cup" and he does it.
I can't wait for you to see him this year!
So exciting watching babies grow!!! In less than a year, B will be walking and talking up a storm & playing with his 3-month old(ish) cousin in NY:) <3
Wish we could be there for his big day. Enjoy! Looking forward to December!
Happy birthday to little Benjamin! I'm so glad we got to see him just around the time he turned one--he's such a sweet boy. And I think I understand a little how you feel, Bethany, at this one-year milestone of the first child. Congratulations on completing your first year of motherhood! Life with Benjamin will continue to surprise and delight you. I look forward to reading about it on this blog (and catching up in person every once in a while too!).
OK this was great but it doesn't substitute for pictures of his 1st birthday party! i want pictures now please! especially since you didn't have him skype with his auntie on his birthday:(. so mean:(.
Thanks for Benjamin's Birthday Blog. Going from horizontal to vertical is big step toward becoming a little boy instead of a baby. He's so much fun now (and so are his parents)
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