For me, a perfect mother's day includes spending time outside with my family. This year we went to the Lake Waco Wetlands, one of Waco's hidden treasures. I think JB and I went there just a week or so before Benjamin was born and here we are again a week or so (we hope!) away from our baby girl's birth. Last time we were there though, B was younger and it was all we could do to keep him from throwing himself into the water. This time e played in the water without trying to get in and was interested in all of the wildflowers and little critters we saw as we hiked. He even hiked! And picked blackberries! I love that Mother's Day is during blackberry season--we'll have to take more advantage of that in the future.
We stopped at the hospital on our way out to the wetlands to get our bearings again--which entrance to go in, where to park, etc. The whole Women and Newborns floor is completely renovated since the B was born. Nice to have a swanky setting for your pain and suffering...I mean, beautiful birth experience.
And here are my Mother's Day helpers busy with the dishes. Not that they don't do the dishes at other times : )